Frequently asked questions

What is Clipboardr, why might I need it?

Clipboardr is a clipboard manager for Android devices. Clipboardr collects everything you copy and saves it for later access. This comes in handy when you want to retrieve items you copied previously.

What can I do with items on clipboard history?

Clipboardr allows several actions for your saved clips. You can copy, edit, pin,  share and delete your clips.

What is the time span of clipboard history?

Clipboardr saves clipboard history for the last three days. Older items will be replaced by new ones once they are more than three days old.

What are pinned clips?

Pinned clips are texts that you want to save for longer, they are not affected by the clipboard history. You can pin items from the clipboard history.

I copy a lot of links and emails, is there any way to sort your clips?

Yes,  in the navigation drawer there are filters to help you sort by links, emails and phone numbers both from clipboard history and pinned items.

How can I backup my clipboard history and pinned items?

From the navigation drawer select settings in the settings screen select backup data choose what to backup then you will be presented with file save screen from there choose where you would like to save your backup data.

Can I backup my data to cloud?

In devices with KitKat and up it is possible to save to Google Drive or any other cloud storage that support Android’s Storage Access Framework.

Why can’t I see images I copied on Clipboardr?

Currently Clipboardr only supports text.

I don’t see my question listed here?

If you have more questions with Clipboardr select send feedback from the application menu in Clipboardr then email me your question.

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Android Clipboard Management App